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Friday, November 9, 2007

The Flow of Time & Money

Bonjour ,j'ai consulter ce livre sur le web il y a 6 mois et je viens juste de le commencer , je sais c'est pas vraiment joli mais j'avais autre chose a faire je vous laisse avec une petite présentation de son auteur et j'espere que vous alez le lire .
Bonne letcure
"How we spend our time and how we spend our money determines our quality of life. Invest your time in your health, education, relationships, and spiritual development, and you will have a full and fulfilling life. Invest your money in assets that produce capital gains and passive income, and you will have a prosperous life. In this book/seminar, I offer a unified framework for managing time and moey, with practical actions to lead you quickly along the path to financial independence and increased effectiveness in daily life, ultimately to make your highest contribution to the world. "

By Lloyd Watts

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